Table for Two…Saucer of Milk: Why Women Are Bitches To Other Women
I’m not a bitch. I just have no problem telling you where to go and how fast you can get there.
Ladies, have you ever walked into a crowded room and had a girl look you over from top to bottom? Giving the impression that, for some reason yet unstated, this chick thinks you’re competition. It’s obvious she’s sizing you up and sees you as a threat of some sort.
Whatever that “threat” might be is unknown, but it’s obvious that there is a problem. The room starts to shrink down a bit and the tension becomes very thick. For me, I become very socially awkward and start looking for the quickest exit. Girls are catty. We are ruthless, especially towards one another.
Men wouldn’t care if you went out in a burlap sack, you would still get hit on…and often
Let’s face it, we’re probably more competitive than guys. For men, their competitive nature is very up front. Women don’t have penises to measure, so our attacks are a little more clandestine.
If you’ve ever gotten dolled up to go out, we all know you didn’t get dressed up for the attention of men. Men wouldn’t care if you went out in a burlap sack, you would still get hit on…and often.
No, women get dressed up as our own way to measure our lady dicks. The outfit you choose to wear is more than just a simple outfit, it is making a statement. It could be the difference between not paying a cover to get into the club to standing in line waiting.
I don’t want this article to be necessarily about what you choose to wear, it’s more about the attitude that speaks volumes.
Why do women feel the need to be so competitive with each other? Why do we seem so unable to get along or leave the past where it belongs? Sometimes I envy men, who can just argue or fight and then be best friends an hour later.
I know there’s a few of you ladies out there (myself included) still holding a grudge for some shit that happened years ago. Women are stubborn creatures by nature, even though we are also very loving and compassionate.
Let’s not mention how we are while we PMS.That shit don’t even count, right ladies? Let’s face it, we PMS with a shotgun and machete. Since my hysterectomy, I don’t have to worry about that anymore, but I do recall almost killing my ex husband a time or two over something as frivolous as to what we should have for dinner. This naturally turned into a Oscar winning performance by yours truly.
God! Thinking back to my “Carrie” days i was seriously a bitch on wheels. Now, I’m so chill, like cool as a cucumber chill. I totally understand why woman kill their spouses and blame it on temporary insanity. YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT WE GO INSANE.
Sorry…took me to a dark place for a minute there.
Why do we feel the need to be so catty with other women? I’ve had my fair share of judgements from other women over the years, and I’m sure you have as well. It never made sense to me.
I’ve been told that I come off as a little intimidating. I recently was working a regular 9-5 type job and it seemed like a lot of the women in the office kept their distance from me. I’m a very open, honest, and kind person. I always treat other people with respect.
I totally understand why women kill their spouses and blame it on temporary insanity.
I had a coworker tell me that she found me intimidating because of the way I carry myself. It got me thinking about why she might feel this way. I think women aren’t accustomed to being around other strong, confident women. I think we are conditioned from a young age to accept men as being the stronger individuals.
So, when women are around a strong woman, it throws them off a bit. It shouldn’t at all, but, if we’re being real for a second, it most definitely does
I want to get to a place where we practice what we preach, especially towards one another. We should see a strong woman and feel pride. Men get to be individuals more often than we do. If a guy is an asshole, he’s not representing men everywhere.
For us, it’s a little different. Right or wrong, it’s the nature of the beast. If you’re in a bad mood and a little bitchy, then it gets interpreted as an example of how all women are uber emotional, unstable creatures. Even by other women.
I want to be able to see women with power and strength and be equally as valued as their male counterparts.
I’ve mentioned before that we are emotional creatures. That’s not something I see as a negative by any means. After all, the world needs compassionate, caring women who are attuned to their emotions.
We’ve raised a lot of wonderful individuals with these traits, and I hope that trend isn’t going to stop anytime soon. However, along with our kindness and compassion, our strength should be something that’s celebrated as well.
I want to be able to see women with power and strength be equally as valued as their male counterparts. I want to be able to celebrate that type of woman and see her as my ally, not an enemy.
Sure, it’s easy to say, “of course I celebrate a strong woman,” but what if she’s strong and beautiful? What if she has beauty, brains, curves, success, strength, and power? Sounds good on paper, right? However, that woman is often treated differently and misunderstood.
This is especially true of social media. It’s so easy to pass judgement on a woman based on what she posts online. Just remember ladies, not everything is as it seems, especially on social media.
She must have slept her way to the top. Her man must be rich and successful. She didn’t have to work for anything in this life. She just won the genetic lottery, so her life is so much easier than mine.
This isn’t right, but it’s reality. We don’t value a woman who is intelligent and beautiful the way we should. You are beautiful, just in case nobody has told you lately. Confidence is beautiful. If you feel your life is lacking confidence, you need to figure out how to change that.
I struggled for a long time to see anything redeemable in the face staring back at me in the mirror every day. It was something that I had trouble seeing in myself. It’s something I’m still working on. I really worked to change my mindset towards myself and towards other women.
I see other women and I want to celebrate them for being strong, independent, tough, caring, kind, compassionate, loving, beautiful, funny, smart, or any number of traits they might possess. I want to see them for the strong women they truly are.
I’ve put away my saucer of milk. I’m hoping you have too. The next time I see you on the street, I’m going to smile and nod because I know that I’m looking at a woman of character. Meow bitches…