Sex Education Part 1: Three Elements To Becoming An Incredible Lover
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Sex Education Part 1: three Elements To Becoming An Incredible Lover
For us women we are already emotionally charged creatures. Men might think these 3 elements would come natural for us woman. Here’s a little secret, it doesn’t. Women are more reserved. There is a lot more pressure for men in the bedroom than they actually would like to admit.
Do I have your attention?
We all want to believe that we are great lovers. Sure, there might be a few people out there whose self confidence isn’t quite there, but the vast majority of people will quickly tell you how much their partners have enjoyed their intimate encounters.
You need to ask yourself, is your sex life as fulfilling as you had always imagined it to be? Are you living out your fantasies and enjoying nothing but the absolute best, mind blowing sex you’ve ever experienced? Maybe something is missing?
What you’re really looking for is a way to change your mindset and really tap into your own personal, erotic power.
Regardless of how incredible or mediocre (I hope not) your current sex life might be, there’s always room for improvement.
This improvement doesn’t come from a supplement or from a pill (although the little blue ones can come in handy at times). What you’re really looking for is a way to change your mindset and really tap into your own personal, erotic power.
Think about your favorite hobby. Think about the amount of time and energy you devote to this hobby. Odds are, you spend time on the internet, reading articles, reviews and gathering as much information as possible on the subject.
Takes a special kind of man to make these connections.
Why? Simple, you love it and want to throw yourself into it as much as possible. You probably spend hours every week just practicing, refining and trying to make yourself the best possible golfer, fisherman, driver, etc.
How much time do you devote to improving your own sexual abilities? Probably not the same amount of time you spend working on your golf swing.
If you are willing to make the investment of your time into your sex life, you just might become the type of lover you and your partner(s) have always dreamed about. You can be the one that she keeps in her secret fantasy bank for late night self-pleasure.
You can be the one that she keeps in secret fantasy bank for late night self-pleasure
Our sexual abilities are largely shaped by our own opinions about sex. If sex is just a way to have a sweaty, fun time, then your sexual experiences will reflect that attitude.
The best sex comes when we blend the physical with our mental energy. For some people this is almost a religious experience and there are teachings devoted to learning to channel your sexual energy.
If you are emotionless…
Now, keep in mind if you are emotionless then you might find yourself disconnected. If you find this to be difficult to tap into any of these 3 elements is a sign. Perhaps you are in a relationship and your partner is robotic (talk about having no strings attached). Please do the research, look for the red flags and run to the nearest therapist. This is not normal behavior and you are simply cheating yourself. If you are the emotionless partner, please seek the help that will be needed. There might be a bigger underlying issue there that needs to be addressed.
Please do the research, look for red flags and run….
That’s not necessarily my intention to gear this article to exactly a quickie. This article is aimed to those that want to make that emotional investment and for those that are on the quest to be a incredible lover. My intentions for this article are NOT geared to those that are douchebags that have casual sex. Using these elements as a tool to stroke your ego is a red flag. Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with those that do have casual sex (no judgment). That doesn’t make you a douchebag that just makes you single. I’m talking about something a little bit more deeper.
I have found that people are scared to exhibit these elements. Making these connections might scary for some or is a sign of weakness & might show your vulnerability. Here is another little secret. There’s nothing more sexier to us women than a man of true quality. A man that shows passion. A man that is assertive. A man that has the mental capacity to make these connections is far more attractive to a women than the robotic emotionless douchebag.
Ladies! Let go, enjoy and repeat!!
Takes a special kind of man to make these connections. Using not only their bodies but using all of our 5 senses and energy.
I want to give you a few things that you can do to take your sex life to the next level, regardless of where you currently are in your own sexual journey.
Master the Art of Touch
Sure you know your way around a woman’s body and you know where all her erogenous zones are and how to touch them. Bravo. I hope that, at this point in your life, you understand where a woman likes to be touched.
There’s much more to improving your touch than just touching those zones that are hardwired for sex. What you really need to do is get yourself in tune with your own energy.
This might sound a little strange at first, but you and your future partners will be very happy that you took the time to practice this skill.
How would you like to be able to take a woman almost to orgasm simply by the way you run your hands over her body? Sounds too good to be true, right?
However, this is more about you getting in tune with your own senses than just figuring out which spots to touch on her body. You need to learn to feel your own energy first. It’s actually much easier than it might seem.
Start with your hands a little less than and inch apart, close your eyes and try to feel the energy flowing between them. We all have it, but few know how to tap into this. Pull your hands apart and then, slowly put them back together. You should feel the energy, like a subtle heat increasing between them.
This is the way you should touch your partner. Instead of just rubbing those areas, try to focus your own energy to her as you gently caress every part of her. I bet you see a difference.
Learn to Breathe
Sure you know how to breathe already. It’s not something we are used to focusing on. However, think back to your last sexual experience, remember how your breathing and your partner’s breathing changed as you became more and more aroused.
That breathing is what can help a woman channel her sexual energy into powerful and, often times, multiple orgasms. Ladies, let go, enjoy and repeat!
Try to focus your own breath as you engage in sexual activity with your partner. Just like with your touch, focus your breathing and try to get in tune with your own enjoyment of the sexual act. You’ll learn to channel this energy from your breathing and increase your own sexual excitement.
An added bonus to this is the ability to get yourself in tune with your partner. This will create an environment of more intensity during your sexual encounters.
Enjoy Foreplay and Make It A Bad Habit
This is one of those things that we truly can’t get enough of when it comes to becoming a better lover. It’s no mystery that women take longer than men to become aroused and engaged in the sexual act.
Did you know that the average time, start to finish, for a sexual encounter is about 30 minutes? Doesn’t really seem like enough, right?
You need to learn to take your time and enjoy all aspects of sex. And yes, foreplay is just as much a part of sex as anything else.
To get yourself into shape, try to set a minimum goal of an hour for all future sexual encounters. Just like anything else, as you build up your ability to go for longer periods of time, your sessions will naturally increase. Soon, you’ll be having sex for hours at a time. You can thank me later. .
Sex should be a fun and worthwhile experience, so don’t rush, take your time and enjoy the time spent with another person