Podcast 2: Matilda’s Project
In March of 2019, 5 year old Matilda tragically drowned in the Stanislaus River at Knight’s Ferry, CA. Her mother, Marissa, generously agreed to come on the show to tell her side of the story. This is her story, in her words, completely unfiltered. Everyone here at Broken Girl was amazed by the absolute strength of character and composure that Marissa displayed while telling us her story.
Let’s Talk About Sex: Part 2 to Sex Education
Let’s talk about sex. Do you think relationship sex is better than Netflix and chill? I bet if you were to ask this question to anyone, you’d be bound to get a different answer based on their own personal experiences. The guy who has never had a serious relationship will probably answer a resounding “no” simply because it’s an experience beyond his understanding. The same goes for the high school sweethearts who have been married for 40 years and had never been with anyone else. I’m sure they would answer that relationship sex is the only way to get down. While the two cases above might be a little extreme,…
Podcast 1.5: Matilda’s Project Intro
Podcast 1: Broken to Badass
Dear Readers- My Stories are through my perspective. My stories are filled with broken pieces, terrible choices, ugly people and the truth. They are also filled with comebacks, peace and grace. All Podcasts episodes will be available soon on all podcasts apps. Podcasts for Apple and Spotify included. I am extremely proud of this project and to be given this opportunity to finally give BrokenGirl a voice. I feel blessed to continue this journey here in this crazy fucked up version we call, “LIFE”. However, being able to bring light to mental health and helping those find closure in their own healing process has given me a gift that I…