Podcast 1: Broken to Badass
Dear Readers-
My Stories are through my perspective.
My stories are filled with broken pieces, terrible choices, ugly people and the truth. They are also filled with comebacks, peace and grace.
All Podcasts episodes will be available soon on all podcasts apps. Podcasts for Apple and Spotify included.
I am extremely proud of this project and to be given this opportunity to finally give BrokenGirl a voice. I feel blessed to continue this journey here in this crazy fucked up version we call, “LIFE”.
However, being able to bring light to mental health and helping those find closure in their own healing process has given me a gift that I will be forever grateful for. You have given back my wings to fly again. Given me strength in my moments of weakness.
Feeling broken can be isolating at times. Just know, you are not alone. You DO have a voice, and there is life after darkness (I promise). “We’ll get through this together” .
I can’t thank you all enough for all the love and support you all have shown me, BrokenGirl’s website/blog. Respected my healing process and my pain as my own and so much more.
To those that picked up all the little fragmented pieces of myself to help me reclaim my life again has taught me things about myself that I can take on this beautiful journey of mine. Truly loving someone as they are, cannot always be easy. For you to love a BrokenGirl is strength that I admire. You all often remind me that I am not always seen as broken. For I am a beautiful strong women with beauty and grace.
I will be forever in your debt. You all loved me when I wasn’t lovable, at all. That is pure unconditional love in the most purest form.
There’s something to be said about people like you all.
I’m flying again and it was all because of your unconditional love.
Thank you for loving me back to life.
So glad I just found this.
.thank you ❤🙏🕉
Erica H
I am SO excited that I have found this podcast! This is exactly the podcast I have been looking for!
Real, raw, and good for the soul.
I am an empath, and I felt the how genuine and authentic the hosts are! Again, I’m so excited for this podcast! Xoxo