• I am Honored to Announce…

    I am honored to announce …. December 27th, 2019, 9am-10am I have been invited to be a guest speaker here in Modesto, CA.  As the owner/operator of BrokenGirl Unchained Blog & Podcast, I will be speaking publicly at Turning Point Empowerment Community Program: A path to Mental Health of Stanislaus County. EMPOWERMENT CENTER is a culturally diverse center where behavioral health consumers and their support persons and/or family members can gain peer support and recovery-oriented input from others to reduce isolation, increase the ability to develop independence, and create linkages to mental health and substance abuse treatment services. It is also a safe and friendly environment where they can flourish…

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    Her Safe Room

    This place…I fuckin hate this place. This place feels like one of the group homes (I used to live in when I was a kid) every time my mom kicked me out or beat the shit out of me. Her version of “having no more room in her heart to love me because you’re too hard to love.”  That tough of love type of home she would send me to. Rejection. Fuckin rejection. I hate that word. Feeling rejection at such a young age is a feeling I’m forced to walk with every day. Rejection and abandonment.Two things I fear most in life God, how can I be so stupid.…