10 Things Guys Wish all Women Knew
Ok ladies. It’s time for me to reveal a few secrets about men that you might not have thought about. You might be surprised to find that men are more complex than you might think. Sure, guys think about sex…a lot, but they also think about you as well. It’s not always sex, beer, sports, sex, and sex.
BrokenGirl gets a decent amount of messages from people, mostly women, who can’t seem to figure out the behaviors of their men. Well, wait no longer. We got you covered.
If you want a quick glimpse into the mind of a man, here you go. What follows is a little peek into the mindset of men. You’re welcome.
Silence is Golden
We all know that women are better communicators than men, but all too often women don’t appreciate a man’s need for some good old fashioned silence. It can be a bit unnerving when your man comes home and all you want to do is talk about your day, the future, your fears, or any other subject that might be a good topic of conversation.
It can be frustrating when he seems to just retreat into himself and isn’t the world’s best communicator. This can often be the source of an argument. For many women, that silence must mean something more.
Is he thinking about other women? Is he mad at me? Why doesn’t he want to talk? You get the idea. Sometimes, the only thing a guy needs is to get lost in his mind. It really isn’t personal, and has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Yes…They Think About Nothing
What would happen if a giraffe and a german shepherd had babies? If I jumped off the roof, how many plastic bags would it take to get me down safely? How did T-Rex scratch his balls? These are just a few examples of the dumb questions that plague the male mind.
Want to know the secret? Men actually enjoy thinking about absolutely nothing. It can be a way to unwind, destress, and recharge the batteries.
Most guys can get together with a group of friends and do absolutely nothing…for hours at a time. They are perfectly happy doing that, even though (to you) it seems like the most boring activity in the world.
Guys Like Compliments
Just like women love to get compliments, so do men. It might not be exactly what you think either. Only boys need to hear how big you think they are, but men like real compliments that have thought and meaning behind them.
You might think they just threw on a tshirt and jeans, but what you might not realize is that they probably picked out a pair of jeans or a shirt that shows off their assets. Guys want their women to find them attractive and be vocal about it.
You don’t have to gush all over them, just an extra long look or a simple brushing of your fingertips over their back can let him know that you think he’s looking good. It connects men to their more primitive self and it’s nice for them to know that you still prefer them over all the other monkeys.
Guys Actually Want to Fix Problems
This can be one of those areas where men and women really disagree. How many times have you been talking with your man and he starts suggesting ways to solve your issue? Often, women like to talk about their problems just for the sake of getting those thoughts out of their head. There’s something about hearing them out loud that helps with the whole process.
While women might need to feel like they are being heard, men like to feel useful. They enjoy finding solutions to problems. It makes men feel like they have a purpose, and finding those solutions is a way to show that you are loved and valued. Ultimately, if you want a man to just listen, be upfront about what you need, so they can categorize things and don’t feel that there is a problem that needs solved.
Guys Love to Be Touched
People often talk about the power of touch. It is beneficial for all relationships to have positive attention and affection. It is often thought that men don’t need to be touched as often as women. It goes to their tough exterior, but the truth is that men love it when their woman touches them.
It doesn’t have to be in a sexual way either. It can be a simple as brushing your hand across their arm, or touching their head while they are sitting down. Those simple touches can be the best part of his day, and he values them more than he will ever really let you know.
Guys think about sex all the time. It’s just how their brains are programmed. If they see you bending over, picking something up off the floor, they will instantly think about taking you right then and there.
This isn’t a bad thing, and all too often guys get a bad rap for being sex obsessed. It’s just how their brains are wired. The good news is that, with a good, loyal man, all that sexual energy is all yours.
Men are very open to all things sex, so you are free to explore the boundaries of your own fantasy world. They are extremely receptive to a woman who isn’t afraid to ask for what they want in bed, and love it when a woman takes control. Men find satisfaction in pleasing their partner sexually, and actually get off watching you orgasm.
Yes…they Watch Porn and yes…they Masturbate (frequently)
There’s a reason why the most searched items on the internet are porn related. Guess what? Your man watches porn. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it happens more than you probably realize.
They aren’t looking to get rid of you, or replace you. Men are visual creatures and like to use porn for a release. Women aren’t always in the mood, so does that mean that your man shouldn’t be able to get his needs handled (pun intended)?
Most men have a sex drive that makes them crave it daily. Are you up to the task? If not, what is your man supposed to do? This is where infidelity can quickly become an issue in a relationship. With porn, they can release those poisons and be able to focus on whatever else is taking up space in their brain (probably how to get you to join in next time).
Yes, your man wants a threesome too. He might not ever tell you about it, but the idea of being with two women at once has been floating around in his brain ever since junior high. Most men are ok if this never happens, but just know that he fantasizes about watching you with another woman.
“Nothing” Means Nothing to Men
Men are very literal, and it can be difficult for them to interpret their girl’s emotions. If they ask you what’s wrong and you say “nothing”, then they assume that there isn’t actually anything wrong.
It doesn’t mean that your man doesn’t care, it’s just that they tend to be very literal in their responses. They will literally act like nothing’s wrong because that’s exactly what you told them.
Just because your man isn’t a mind reader doesn’t mean that he isn’t concerned, or doesn’t actually care. He does actually want to see you happy and wants to nurture your needs, but just needs a little direction. Don’t be subtle here, just be direct.
Men Have Body Issues Too
It can be tough to find a woman who doesn’t have something about her physical appearance that they hate. It’s a misnomer that men don’t have these same issues. They do. Who do you think keeps the supplement business alive and kicking?
Men have issues with their bodies just like women do. They know when their pants are starting to fit a little tight, or if they don’t look and feel healthy like they used to. This can be a severe blow to their self esteem, just like it is for women.
They Do Like Shopping With You (but not for very long)
Even though men might bitch about going shopping with you, they actually like it. Why? It’s something that you enjoy, and it makes men feel good to do something with their lady that makes them happy.
The issue at hand here is that men shop very differently from women. A man can go into a store, pick out a new shirt, buy it, and leave. This whole process takes about 15 minutes, sometimes less.
Women like to browse. See what’s out there, try on a few things, and then maybe make a purchase. When you take your man shopping with you, be considerate of his shopping tolerance. He’s good for about an hour (30 minutes if you’re shopping online), then he hits his shopping limit and is ready to do something else. Enjoy the time together and understand that he chose to be with you for that time. Just don’t expect him to be able to shop like you’re out with your girlfriends.
Guys are fairly simple creatures. Food, sex, attention. They can enjoy the simple pleasures of life. That’s not a bad thing at all. These are all things that men want women to understand. They’re just wired differently, and that’s ok. So, go slap your man on the ass and tell him he looks sexy in those basketball shorts, he’ll appreciate the effort.