
  • Don’t Date a Man Like Dad: Advice From a Mother to Her Daughter

    Recently, I was consoling my daughter about the troubles she was having with her ex-boyfriend, post breakup. Teenagers, especially teenage girls, are emotional creatures. We all know this. It seems with the newfound movement of “girl power,” it’s no longer ok to admit that women are emotional creatures. It’s nothing against the feminist movement, and I’m not putting women back 200 years by admitting this well-known fact. All I’m saying is that we are more driven by our emotions than our male counterparts. She was telling me about the details of her breakup and I started to notice some similarities between the way her ex was treating her and the…

  • Passion vs Crazy: How Women are Often Misunderstood

    She’s crazy. She’s psycho. She’s just a crazy bitch who wants to make my life miserable. All too often, women are misunderstood. Yes, we are emotional creatures, but the way we channel those emotions is often misunderstood. I’m often called crazy. My ex-husband and his family seem to delight in telling anyone who will listen, what an unstable person I am. What they fail to see, though, is that some of these things they are labelling as crazy is really just passion. For example, I’m in the middle of trying to lock down a solid co parenting schedule with my ex-husband. He is a tough person to communicate with. Everything…