31:25: The Women's Empowerment Photo Shoot,  Blog,  Divorce,  Healing,  Mental Health,  Relationships,  Strength

I am Honored to Announce…

I am honored to announce ….

December 27th, 2019, 9am-10am I have been invited to be a guest speaker here in Modesto, CA.  As the owner/operator of BrokenGirl Unchained Blog & Podcast, I will be speaking publicly at Turning Point Empowerment Community Program: A path to Mental Health of Stanislaus County.

EMPOWERMENT CENTER is a culturally diverse center where behavioral health consumers and their support persons and/or family members can gain peer support and recovery-oriented input from others to reduce isolation, increase the ability to develop independence, and create linkages to mental health and substance abuse treatment services. It is also a safe and friendly environment where they can flourish emotionally, while developing skills toward becoming more independent and empowered in their recovery. Daily access to computers, the Internet, community presentations and informational brochures allow for consumers and their support persons and/or family members to become educated and informed about the resources and access points in their community.

There I will be speaking publicly about my published articles titled  “Through the Looking Glass of a 51/50″

Butterfly Effect: What’s the opposite of a suicide note,  Torch it: Finding Closure with your past, 10 Signs you’re in love with a Narcissist  and so much more.

My mission when starting my BrokenGirl journey was to raise mental health awareness. As you might have seen, scrolling through my website, that I have been extremely public with sharing my own personal battles with mental health. 

Mental Illness has played a huge part in my life. I didn’t know how to channel my emotions or ask for help. My mental health was mocked, downplayed, and dismissed. I feel our society neglects these serious conditions that millions of people walk with in their daily lives.

I think this might be the first time I have ever labeled myself as having a “mental illness” to all of you (my readers). This time, I say it with conviction. This is how god built me. I didn’t choose this for myself. How I manage my mental issues has become a choice for me.

BrokenGirl’s website is filled with stories from people that have beat me down with that “crazy” label.

The deeper I immersed myself into my healing and writing process, the more educated and passionate I became about understanding my own behavior, as well as the behaviors of others. I began to use my voice and to tell my stories. Some are shameful, sad, and painful, while others are beautiful. You, my wonderful readers, are witnessing my new found life that I like to call my “rebirth”.

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One specific article has not only changed my life but also devastated the ones I loved the most: my children and my family. It was a part of my life I thought I could put in the archives of my brain. I thought I would never have to relive that part of my past again. .

This was the darkest moment of my life. I now carry the stigma of the crazy “ex-wife”, “crazy Mom”, and lets not forget the sister & daughter with “mental issues”, which gets unfairly put on display for anyone who is willing to listen. It’s only used to disparage me as a person and a mother, and to serve some twisted narcissistic need for attention. 

I was so wrong. It haunted me like a bad dream. I was going through a devastating divorce in 2016. It was then I started to hear about my darkest stories being told by those who were supposed to love me unconditionally. 

I had to find a way to turn a negative into a positive. Helping others heal and using my voice and other outlets did that for me.

To publicly speak to people using my stories of pain to triumph, has nothing short of a blessing.

Thank you Turning Point Empowerment for being apart of this beautiful journey of mine. Allowing me to touch others with empathy, compassion, and my words. 

My goal, when I started this BrokenGirl journey, was to heal and find peace from my past trauma. As the journey progressed, I realized that this could be a vehicle where I could help others who have suffered in similar ways. I am blessed to have people in my life who believe in me, and those of you who support this endeavor and who have expressed your own sentiments about how the blog and podcast have impacted your lives. You are MY inspiration. You are the reason why I put so much love, effort, and attention into BrokenGirl. You inspire me to be the best version of myself, and I am honored to have this opportunity. This is a truly humbling experience. Thank you again for taking the time to read and listen. 


Juliet is a divorced mother of 4, driven business owner, and a strong minded woman. She is a certified massage therapist, Reiki master and writer. She enjoys spending time with her children and family, going on adventures, and living the best life she possibly can while capturing the tiny moments through her lens . Her stories of being the broken girl are of her healing process that many woman, regardless of background, can relate to.


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